N.A.C.P.P.P.S.R has set up agreements with the next institutions/organizations/societies:
- The Romanian Institute for Education and European Quality - IRECE
- The General Inspectorate of Police
- Romfilatelia SA
- Eurosign - The Association for The Unite Europe
- The Communitary Police - Bucharest, sector 2
- The Middle Class, Small and Medium Enterprises Forum
- Centre of Financial and Monetary Research “Victor Slavescu”
- The National Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises
- The Institute of National Economy
- The Institute of Agrarian Economy,
- The Romanian Anti-Counterfeiting Association
- The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and of Bucharest Municipality
- “Dimitrie Gusti” Institute of Sociology
- National Institute for Research of Quality of Life
- “Costin Murgescu” Institute of World’s Economy
- “Costin Murgescu” Institute of World’s Economy
- The Institute for Alimentary Bio-resources
- The Public Health Institution from Bucharest
- The National Company “THE NATIONAL PRINTERY”
- The Centre for Public Health
- The National Federation of the Light Industry “FEPAIUS”
- Center for the Economy of Industry and Services
- The Foundation for Development of Mutual Health Services from Romania
- The Romanian Association for the Safety of Alimentary and Cosmetic Products
- CNS “Alfa Cartel”
- CNSLR Fraternity
- The Confederation of Democrat Trade-Unions - CSDR
- The “Meridian” Trade - Union Confederation
- The Universe Federation
- The Tele-communication Trade-Union Federation
- The Agency for Environment Protection
- The National Institute of Wood
- The Romanian Society for Economy - SOREC
- Laborex 2000,
- Larex International,
- The Romanian Society for Guaranteeing Quality - S.R.A.C.
- CERTIND - Certification Organism
- The National Institute for Polls and Marketing - INSOMAR SA
- The General Union of Manufacturers from Romania
- The Research Institute for Analytic Instrumentation
- Dr. Wessling Chemistry Laboratory
- Environment and Health Center Cluj
- The Patriarchal Administration
- The National Association of Retired Persons from the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs - Bucharest
- The Corpus of Expert Accountants and Authorised Accountants from Romania - CECCAR
- The Central Laboratory
- “The Economist” Media Group
- The Central Laboratory CCF
- The General Union of Manufacturers from Romania - UGIR 1903
- The Employers’ Organization of Alcohol Industry and Alcoholic Beverages from Romania - GARANT
- Black Media
- The Organization for Protection of Human Rights
- The National Library of Romania
- The Association of Standardization from Romania - ASRO
- The Jewelers Patronage from Romania
- The Consumers’ Protection League